Handlebars Use if to Check Which Page You're on
Handlebars is a simple templating language. If you just want to check if one or the other element are present you can use this custom helper. Shotgun Child Bike Seat Handlebars Kids Ride Shotgun Kids Ride Shotgun Usa You use a special. . HandlebarsregisterHelperif_or functionelem1 elem2 options if HandlebarsUtilsisEmptyelem1. Ol Handlebarsjs Expressions. We will also discuss how to configure Handlebars with the Expressjs framework and how to use built-in. Routergetusers req res const data DatabaseORMgetUsers. Loop on an Array or Object. If you want to use Handlebars in an Express app check out my node-boilerplate fork that sets all this up for you. Handlebars has a clever approach in that the HTML for the template is literally put in the HTML. Handlebars on the client If you use any JavaScript MV framework BackBoneJS EmberJS YAF etc you probably. On your controller youd respond with a handlebars page and p...